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Gallery page added

Added a gallery page to display traditional sets from all over the world. It has no particular order, so you might have to dig through it to find something in particular.

The photos are from all over the internet, so if anyone wants a photo taken down for some reason let me know.

I will also add more photos as I go along. Still have tons to add.

If did find some interesting photos of sets from the Maldives. I had run across that style of pieces once before, but upon searching more I found quite a few more photos.

From the influences of the region I'd say it was first introduced as Chaturanga or Shatranj (depending on who brought it first). From what I read it was heavily influenced by India and also by the Arab traders at the time it possibly came to the islands. Later European chess would be introduced in probably the 16th century and I think that is what people play with those pieces nowadays. (just my thoughts)

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Almost the images/photos on the site were created by Chris Bogert.  

(with the exception of a few patterns and pieces in images and gallery section.)

If there is anything on the site you created, and would like removed let me know.  

Feel free to use my images, but please ask first.  Thank you.

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