廣象棋 Yan Xiangqi

- Yan Xiangqi, also called Ko Shogi, was a game developed in the late 1600's~early 1700's by a Confucian scholar in Japan. It is said that he made it as a Xiangqi variant, however since it was developed in Japan, many people consider it a Shogi variant.
Just from the look of it and a number of the same pieces, I'd have to say it is closer to a Xiangqi variant and not Shogi, even though it was developed in Japan.
That being said, it does have some shogi like elements as well. I think that is natural because the creator of the game was Japanese with influences from Shogi and being a Confucian scholar possibly studied in China and played Xiangqi as well.
There is a text called the 廣象棋譜 which explains all of the rules.
I will put together a rule booklet for the game.
- It is usually played on an Igo board and even often uses the Igo stones for the pieces with the kanji written on them.
I plan to make a slightly bigger board and use bigger flat (possibly) wooden pieces for my own personal set.