象棋 Xiangqi

Xiangqi, haven't heard of it? Well it is probably the most played game in the world.. but if you don't live in China or South-East Asia you might not know about it.
Xiangqi has a massive amount of literature from ancient texts to modern guides. There is even a very very good website that has everything you could possibly want to know about Xiangqi on it in English. Check it out:
- Xiangqi has some very unique features not found in the other games in the Chaturanga family.
(Each side has different piece names, so I will note which ones).
First notice the river across the middle of the board. This limits the movement of the Elephant piece (象 or 相).
-Also notice the "X" shape with the three pieces in it (2仕,師 and 2士,将). Those piece cannot leave that area which is called the palace.
Then the most interesting piece the cannons (砲 and 炮). These move like rooks, but cannot capture without the suppose of another piece which they must jump over to capture a piece on the other side of it.
- Two of my sets. The thick board, I made from an old banged up Shogi board I got for $15. The pieces are readily available on Amazon. - The second set is on a hand-made board I made. The pieces are a beautiful carved rosewood, with painted kanji.