Other games section added
I've just started to add a section for other (mostly) traditional games. I hope to add games that I have played and thought unique or...

Kongo Shogi set
I made a set of pieces for my variant "Kongo Shogi" As you can see I have two different types of pawn and a center front row piece. The...

New 7x7Shogi variant ~ 金剛将棋
I made a small shogi variant a while back, and although it hasn't gotten much in the way of play testing, I thought I'd share it here. I...

Aleut chess rulebook tentatively started
First a note to let everyone know I redid the gallery again.. it is coming along, but still needs a lot of work. Aleut Chess rulebook: I...

I redid the Senterej rulebook and uploaded it. Also uploaded a few more gallery images and added a few sections. A little at a time.

Main Chator set finished
Finished up my Main Chator set. I used beech wood with a keyaki and ebony varnish. I like the simplicity of the style. May keep this...

Batak catur rulebook finished
The rulebooklet for Batak catur is finished. I know it has a few typos and may need to be edited, but for now it it complete and ready...
Gallery reorganized and Aleut chess page added
I have begun to reorganize the gallery section. I will make a separate page for each game/style of pieces. This may take a while, so...

Aleut chess research
I've begun to do some research into the Aleut chess game. I had found an article some time back vaguely describing an Aleut version of...

Gallery page added
Added a gallery page to display traditional sets from all over the world. It has no particular order, so you might have to dig through...