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장기 Janggi

Information about the game:

- Janggi is less well known, but one of the more interesting games in the Chaturanga family.  

- It developed from Xiangqi into a similar looking, but very different playing game.  I recommend it.

- The cannon (包) piece has quite different rules, as well as the elephant (象) whos move is only seen in Janggi.  Also within the palace (the X shaped area) pieces can move along those diagonal lines, the chariot, cannon, and pawns can all do that.  

- The General and the advisors can move as they wish within the palace.

- The placement of the elephant and horse can be switched before starting the game.  This allows for a number of different openings.

- The pawns can move sideways from the start, unlike in Xiangqi, which can only do so after crossing the river.

- Finally, notice the absence of the river that you see in Xiangqi. This frees the movement of the elephant.



- I will put together a rule booklet for the game when I have a chance.

- Besides the basic rules, essentially non-existent in English, however, there is a good book in Japanese by a Korean player from which I will glean to give basic openings, mate-problems, and example games.


< My personal set on hand-made (by me) board.  Pieces from Korea.  Nice sets are hard to come by outside Korea.  

PDF Rule booklet coming soon

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