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چترنگ Shatranj

- Shatranj is native to Persia and the Middle East.  It is thought to be a direct descendent of Chaturanga and thus the earliest of the family. 

- A vast amount of literature was written about the game, however, a lot of it was lost with time.  Most of them know by later references of their contents by other authors.


- There are a number of Shatranj variants, some of which I will later add to the website.   

- One interesting variant called Shatranj Kamil, or Tamerlane Chess was played on a unique 10x11 board with 2 "citadels" on the 2nd and 9th row which were an extra space outside the 11, making row 2 12 spaces and row 9 12 spaces. 

Rule Booklet

Examples of Warfare in Chess (Arabic)

Book of the Delight of Chess (Arabic)

<-Contents guide to both of the books

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