광상희 (廣象戱) Gwangsanghui

The picture to the right is a set hand-made by myself, the board and all the pieces. The central armies are carved and the outer armies are painted.
The board is hinged for storage because the board is 58cmx60cm. It has pads on the four corners underneath and the center rests on the hinges.
Gwangsanghui is a large Janggi variant and (to me) looks really cool. It was developed in the 1700's and one classical Chinese text (that I know of) was written to explain the game.
- I have tried to translate the text and created a rule booklet so everyone can play this game. There are some vague areas in the original text which I have tried my best to sort out.
- The setup I use it different from the image usually seen on the net, but is how I interpret the original text.
- Also, the movement of a few pieces was difficult to figure out, but I think what I came up with makes sense from the text.
- If anyone knows of any other texts explaining the game please send them to me. I'd be very very interested in learning more.
- If anyone has a better grasp of Classical Chinese and comes up with a better translation, please let me know any changes you think would be better.