Canadian Checkers variant

This is a unique variant of Canadian checkers that was brought to my attention recently by a fellow fan of odd traditional type games.
He provided me with photos of the rules, so I will type them out when I have a chance. For now here are the basics:
- It is played on a 16x16 (outer row is separate). From my quick read through of the rules, setup and general play is much like regular checkers, but dice are used to determine how many of your pieces can move in one turn.
- Captures are diagonally forward.
- The outer row called the King's row can be entered but only is the piece returns to the normal board before finishing its move.
- If a piece enters the opponent's Kings Row, that pieces is crowned and now has the ability to move backwards as well as forwards. The crowned piece must re-enter the main board before finishing its move.
- Kings cannot be captured by regular pieces, but only by other kings.