All of the research I have done to make this web-site is in large part thanks to others that have gone before me in doing research about all of the games in the Chaturanga Family.
The majority of the website I did off the top of my head after learning by heart many of these games, or the books I referenced are downloadable from this site, but I will list as many of my references as I remember.
One very useful site was:
Not only does this site have info about many games, but a bunch of archived pdfs, old websites, as well as a long list of books researchers would find useful.
Another great site is:
This site has tons of info about old shogi variants and all sorts of interesting research.
Wikipedia was a great place to search for books and website with more information. I did double check information I found on there with other unrelated sources though to be sure. Usually pretty accurate, though.
A good website for Chu-shogi rules is:
There are a number of references to old books some of which I translated from classical Chinese or Japanese. For the classical Chinese I usually generally checked my work against other translations.
- Murray's History of Chess is a great reference for a long of things. Also his bibliography is very useful for find more in depth sources.