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About the sets:


It is my goal to bring rare and interesting historical sets to life.  The sets I create are for the most part unobtainable to the general collector.  I actually started these sets to add to my own collection sets I couldn't get my hands on.  So I think other people will appreciate these as well.

All of these sets are hand-made by me.  They are all wood.

Contact me to discuss purchasing a set:

Click on a picture of a set to see more details about it. 

Kharbaga set

*Also not a Chaturanga family game

Work in Progress

Rimau set

*Not a Chaturanga family game,

but an interesing game.  SOLD

Almost the images/photos on the site were created by Chris Bogert.  

(with the exception of a few patterns and pieces in images and gallery section.)

If there is anything on the site you created, and would like removed let me know.  

Feel free to use my images, but please ask first.  Thank you.

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