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चतुरङ्ग Chaturanga

- The game that is said to have started it all.  Chaturanga originated in India.  Developed in the Gupta Empire in the 6th century and soon spreading to Persia as Shatranj.  

- The exact rules are not known, particularly the Gaja movement with two possibilities.  However, it is generally agreed they are almost the same as Shatranj.


* I have a personal theory that the Gaja had regional variations, and the northern/western variation (two diagonal move) developed into Shatranj and later Xiangqi, while the southern/eastern variation (one diagonal or forward move) developed into Sittuyin, Makruk ~. 


The pieces: 

Raja: The king, moves like the king in pretty much any game in the family.

Mantri: The minister, or queen.  This piece moved one space diagonally in any direction.

Ratha: The chariot.  Just like a rook in chess.

Gaja: The elephant.  Jumps two spaces diagonally (the same as Sharanj, or similar to the two space move, not jump, in Xiangqi), or possibly like the silver general in Shogi; one space diagonally any direction or forward one space (this is the same in Sittuyin as well as Makruk/ Ouk Chatrang).

Ashva: The horse.  Moves just like the knight in chess.

Padati: The foot-soldier.  Moves and captures just like pawns in chess, but no two-space initial move.

PDF Rule booklet coming soon

Almost the images/photos on the site were created by Chris Bogert.  

(with the exception of a few patterns and pieces in images and gallery section.)

If there is anything on the site you created, and would like removed let me know.  

Feel free to use my images, but please ask first.  Thank you.

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