चतुरङ्ग Chaturanga
- The game that is said to have started it all. Chaturanga originated in India. Developed in the Gupta Empire in the 6th century and soon spreading to Persia as Shatranj.
- The exact rules are not known, particularly the Gaja movement with two possibilities. However, it is generally agreed they are almost the same as Shatranj.
* I have a personal theory that the Gaja had regional variations, and the northern/western variation (two diagonal move) developed into Shatranj and later Xiangqi, while the southern/eastern variation (one diagonal or forward move) developed into Sittuyin, Makruk ~.
The pieces:
Raja: The king, moves like the king in pretty much any game in the family.
Mantri: The minister, or queen. This piece moved one space diagonally in any direction.
Ratha: The chariot. Just like a rook in chess.
Gaja: The elephant. Jumps two spaces diagonally (the same as Sharanj, or similar to the two space move, not jump, in Xiangqi), or possibly like the silver general in Shogi; one space diagonally any direction or forward one space (this is the same in Sittuyin as well as Makruk/ Ouk Chatrang).
Ashva: The horse. Moves just like the knight in chess.
Padati: The foot-soldier. Moves and captures just like pawns in chess, but no two-space initial move.