
Hnefatafl was a game played during the Viking era possibly as early as the 8th century. The original rules were lost but as best possible modern reconstructions of the rules have been made.
It is an asymmetrical game where one player tries to get his King piece to the edge or corner (depending on the rules version), while the other player tries to capture the king.
~Very basic rundown of the most common rules:
- The pieces all move like a rook in chess.
- Regular pieces can be captured by being sandwiched between two other pieces.
- The King can be captured if sandwiched on all four sides.
- A piece can move between two enemy pieces without being captured
- The center square, once vacated by the king cannot be entered again and can be used to sandwich and capture a piece.
- If the King reaches one of the 4 corner spaces he escapes and that player wins.
- If the King is captured the attackers win.